Lucky, Lucky Star

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The power of a song selection

You know--
how some songs can bring you to your knees.
And others can drain the blood from your face.
Some songs make your heart race, or your skin warm.
Some of us are moved by songs, and by moved I mean--
shaken and stirred.
I mean lit on fire and burned down to the embers.
I am talking about the way the notes scuttle through the narrow passages of your nervous system or march across your chest with heavy feet.
Not everyone has these visceral, tangible--
encounters with aural pleasure.
Or pain, as the case may be.
And it is fucking cool to discover someone who does.

On a related subject...
I remember once
(Yes, I've been tumbling down the hilly part of memory lane lately, so what?)
when a boy shared a song with me, and it made me feel special, but then I learned he shared it with the other girl he was dating, too.
I was reportedly more special to him than she was.
But, then, that was just what his friends said, not what he said.
He wisely kept quiet on the matter.
(I had another boyfriend, was a sticky situation, and I believe I've mentioned it before, but who really cares??)
Sometimes I think I miss the dating scene for all its fun and excitement--
Then I rembember the deeply piercing sting of situations like that and I praise every jesus mentioned on Talladega Nights for blessing me with a good marriage.
I don't think I am as fragile now as I was when I was single, but if it's all the same to you, I don't think I'm going to bother finding out!!!
Fuuuuuck, but that would just suck a sweaty ballsack.
I guess the moral of that story is: men are pigs.
Except mine.
Amen and pass the potatoes!

It's been a great weekend.
Lots of fun and stuff.
That was pretty fucking vague, wasn't it??
I dare say that's all you're getting, so deal with it.
I am finding my brain numb from the degree of hardness with which I partied,
and I'll not be bothered to sort through the files to determine what really happened and what I hallucinated.
I did not, however, hallucinate the double rainbow, captured by my stupid phone (see below).
I was thrilled to discover my resolution settings could be raised a bit,
so we go from "tiny, shitty cell phone picture" to "small, shitty cell phone picture" which is truly celebration-deserving.

The point is...
my life is too busy to go on vacation, and yet I am.
Two weeks from today we will have arrived in Florida for our fabulous Disney World thanksgiving trip.
I am excited...
it's going to be exhausting.
Which is ok by me.
The kids have no idea what they're in for!
I can't wait to see them react to the wonder of it all...
They are such little marvelers.
(I might have made that word up (Word up!), but it is the logical form for a word meaning, "one who marvels" so bite me. And you can bite me again if you're snickering at my cheesy, 90s hiphop reference.)

A play Tuesday
Book Group Wednesday
Godsmack Thursday
...and let's not forget a paper and an article due by Tuesday,
some writing stuff for a friend's business due...last Wednesday...
and then there's that pesky History Independent Study class for which I bought 2 months of extension month ago...and I still haven't started it!
Yes, hard.
yes, fast.
Yes, moan my name and call me the goddess of your genitals.
I totally deserve that.

Oh...speaking of deserving things...
I was unnecessarily rude to some of my "neighbors" today.
Mormons, collecting "fast offerings".
I did it with a smile, but a "Hell no" and a door closed while they're still speaking (For the record, he wasn't being pushy, just saying, "Oh, you're not a member?"; dude was super polite. And kind of cute...) is still unequivocally rude.
as I said before, unnecessary.
But I've just sorta had it up to

with all that crap.
I was in BED for chrissakes!
True, it was 1pm, and I'd been awake for at least 4 hours, and had already fed people and smiled lovingly at my husband as he conducted the boys through helping him with the dishes--
but still.
I had to get out of my most lurvely snuggle with hubby in our most delectably comfortable bed and walk all the way downstairs to be greeted with, "Hey, would ya like to give some money to one of the most lucrative and judgmental corporations on the planet?"
Fuck that shit.
Besides, mama gots a hangover.
