Lucky, Lucky Star

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Out of the Office

Well, technically I'm out of the state, but it sounded cuter that way.

Ok, so you guys know the drill:
1. Be Good
2. Have Fun
3. Don't stain the carpet (or my sheets!)
4. Be careful of #s 1 & 2 contradicting each other
5. Take pictures--or, even better, video
6. leave m lots of comments telling me how much you miss me...
7. Or even better--enjoy the hell out of your Thanksgiving week (if you're American) and forget all about blogging!

As usual, I will probably still do some compulsive updating.
On second thought...I really might not have time for once.
We'll see.
In any case, know that i am missing you guys like the desert misses the rain--
see, I don't like the whole "desert needs the rain" thing, because if the desert got rain, it wouldn't be a desert anymore and that's just so deep...
I will miss you as much as someone who never had ya.
