Lucky, Lucky Star

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

To Infinity and beyond!

That's just a description of the distnace of the lines at Disney World...
The first couple of days were what I like to call "The Kink-Working-Out Days";
I know...I'm insanely clever.
We sort of figured out that we should rent a stroller
(even though our kids are 6, and haven't used a stroller in YEARS),
And that we need to feed the Oliver Monster every hour on the hour or bear his wrath.
We learned that some of us have more patience than others...
and that all of the rides are worth the wait (ok, not "all").

Good times.

The trip had a rough start, though.
Southwest airlines, as you all know, does not issue seat assignments.
We were travelling with 3 children.
Boarding a 5 1/2 hour flight (with a stopover, but not a plane change).
There was a small line for boarding, and only people with children under 4 were invited to pre-board.
We didn't try to pre-board,
stupidly thinking that a short line meant the plane would be less than full.
There were, as it turned out, TONS of people still on the plane from the previous leg of the flight...
fucking southwest.
There were only single seats available.
No one was willing to switch seats so that we could sit by our 6 year olds.
The 10 year old we were comfortable with sending off on his own, but the twinners???
Fuck no.
Child molesters and weirdos have to fly places, too--no way I'm leaving my 6 year olds out of my sight for 5.5 hours!
So, my husband told me to take a seat and went off to solve the problem.
yes, I cried.
I was totally freaked out and felt helpless.
Then he came and told me that he had sorted it out and had a row for himself and the two littles.
And then, as my blood pressure returned to normal,
I realized with a wicked smile, "I will get to ENJOY this part of the flight!!"
I read my book and listened to some tunes.
there was a spazzy teenager next to me.
He acted like he owned the plane;
it was fucking weird.
He bossed the flight attendents around and used the bathroom before the seatbelt light went off at least 3 different times, AND got himself a Coke before the plane took off.
The flight attendents--oldish and crustyish--were putty in his hands.
They put handfuls of pretzel packages on his lap with a suspicious bit of familiarity.
Anyway, in St. Louis I went and joined the children, relieving hubby.
Who then used the DVD player we had rented to entertain himself for the remaining 3 hours...

Florida is colder than I was expecting.
