Lucky, Lucky Star

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In which I am on a sugar high:

So, I had a paper to write last night,
and a test to study for.
But I didn't really do ANYTHING.
Not only did I not do my homeworky stuff,
but I didn't even do anything fun in place of it!!
What the fuck was that about???

I wonder when I’ll stop doing this to myself???
I hate writing these papers.
Loathe it.
And, of course even more than that...
I hate NOT writing them!
I actually waited until this morning and planned on finishing it at the Chronicle newsroom, but apparently you need a password to use those computers and NO ONE was there.
So, I went to one of the campus computer labs, w
here I easily finished the poorly-done paper
and then realized that the only way to print it is to pay using your student ID card
which I had never put any money on because---------
Fuck me.
So as I’m walking away from the computer
(thinking I would go back to the Chrony and try again),
a guy from class said, “Hey, did you just finish Cheng’s paper, too?”
We were currently 15 minutes late for class.
I smiled and said, “Yes, and now I just have to find somewhere to print it.”
The dear boy explained that you need a UCard and gave me his so I could print my paper.
I wanted to hug him.
Or something.
Instead of That, I bought him a candy bar and some Lifesavers...
cuz he’s a life saver...dorky me...
Took my astronomy test, too.
Good thing I somehow had no earthly clue (hahahaa) about anything in the first 1/3 of the exam...
I must have skipped class that day...
Oh well.
I’m a really good guesser.
And he’s kind of obvious about his answers sometimes.

In further news, I got a call from my new therapist today,
and we scheduled an appointment for TOMORROW!
I requested a woman and someone who could see me over x-mas break.
It’s a guy who can’t.
Oh well.
Let’s hope he’s cute.
(heeeeeheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, oh that’s FUNNY!!!)

Can you tell I’m on a “I just finished all my crap” high???

I am now off to see the wizard, i.e. the store for ingredients for my party tonight.

Girls night got cancelled last night, which did not mean that I got my paper done or studied for astronomy, as you may have noticed.

I sat at this bleeeeeeping computer for hours just sort of staring at the material.

I think my brain is broken.

You guys are my sunshine(s).
