Lucky, Lucky Star

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Gurgling around in the sink drain--

That's me.
Like the residue from 86.3 dirty dishes...
What I really meant to say was I'm vascillating between being busy and lazy.
It's the strangest phenomenon, actually.

So, before I dash off to get a couple of birthday presents for my kids to give the birthday boy tomorrow, I shall share with you two things I wrote in other mediums.

Known in blog world is a "meme", I give you--
a pass-along MySpace bulletin:

Damn and curse you, Jason!!
Putting my name on the last one was like a dare.
And I don't back down from a dare.
(Or a D.A.R.E. cop.)

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss.....
was full of love

2. I am listening to.....
the washing machine fill with water on the floor above me,
the furnace humming around the corning,
and...the voices in my head. Duh.

3. I talk.....

4. I love.....
too hard, too vastly.

5. My best friend.....
wishes I would be HER wife

6. My first real kiss.....
was so incredible--and took 3 weeks of hand-holding and nerves of gossamer to achieve!

8. I hate it when people ask.....
...can't think of anything...I don't mind being asked things, I guess.

9. Love is.....
what makes the world go round, baby!

10. Marriage is.....
Really hard, but really worth it

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking.....
about me. (yeah, I'm a narcissist, what's it to ya??)

12. I'll always.....
crave the ocean and soul quenching love

13. I have a crush.....
no, I don't. That's far too dangerous for me these days. Ha!

14. The last time I cried was because.....
I felt my world being gouged apart by my own actions.

15. My cell phone.....
is about to get replaced. Praise Jeebus.

16. When I wake up in the morning.....
My brain doesn't work for at least ten minutes. It's almost as if I'm brain damaged--I seriously can't even speak coherantly, and that's kind of a good thing, because DAMN I'm ornery!!!! And no, I don't drink coffee. I just naturally reach a normal level of blood sugar or serotonin or estrogen or crack or whatever...

17. Before I go to bed.....
I make sure all the doors are locked and there are clean clothes for my kiddos to wear to school, laid out so I don't have to try to find matching shirts and pants in the aforementioned haze of death.

18. Right now I am thinking about.....
How much I hate getting up in the morning. And how excited I am to go get in bed with my book. Orson Scott Card rocks my universe.

19. Babies are.....
the most amazing little science experiments EVER. Watching them develop is better than basic cable, man!

20. I get on myspace.....
and wonder why the fuck I still have an account here. Point.Less.

21. Today I.....
went to the gym via my anti-lock brakes and a sidewalk....ahem...and then proceeded to do Jack + Shit for most of the day. How do I do it??? When I have no deadlines, I get NOTHING done. Nothing. I seriously didn't do anything. At all. Oh, I took a bath with my little friend, but that doesn't count. Or does it? Well, whatever. That was the highlight of the day, I think. Oh, I also talked to a dear-and-delectable friend who I hardly ever see, so that was awesome. She is a ray of sunshine (and a half).

22. Tonight I will.....
Dream of my life lived by somebody else, in a world where quality of heart is more prized than skin-deep beauty and love is not contained and refrained and restrained and....sigh.

23. Tomorrow it will be....

24. I really want to be.....
The center of the universe

25. Someone that will most likely repost this is.....

(I do expect everyone to play along and redo this on their respective sites. Thank you. Please drive around.)


and a little piece of fiction/poetry/whatever that crap is that comes out of my head sometimes:

I should have known it would happen. Too many songs about wings flying constantly through my head, my heart, and too many poems about flying, winging around on my keyboard.
It started one morning at the chiropractor, or at least that’s when I first knew it was happening. There were two small knobby things growing under my skin, between my spine and my shoulder blades. I felt a chill as the doctor chuckled and said, “It looks like you’re sprouting wings.” I still wonder how he didn’t notice the truth of his own words crackling through the air.
So now I have wings. They fold up nicely, smoothly, like butterfly wings, only made of something less crushable—like silk, only organic to me, skin? I don’t know. Something. But they’re beautiful and they’re strong. They say if you wish for something hard enough it can come true. Well, whoever “they” are, they just might be right. I haven’t figured out yet why I have the wings, or where they could have possibly originated. How did I come to have wings? I am a woman, not a butterfly, and unlike Peter Parker, I was not bitten by a radioactive butterfly or shit on by a radioactive bird…I just have wings. And I use them to soar. Usually in the night sky, because, well…how could I explain them? And I’m sure someone would want to study me. Put me in a cage and do tests and take blood samples. And who knows? Maybe there has been a change in my DNA. Maybe I’m evolving.
Maybe I’m not alone.

(and yes, I'm hoping to turn that into something More.)
