Lucky, Lucky Star

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's Saturday Night and I have an inkling--

You know--a baby ink?
So pwecious!
Eh. Don't ask me.

I did, however, attend a bit of a wedding today.
There was a pond nearby to which my boys were obviously drawn.
A bridge crossing a narrow part of it--perhaps a stream leading out of it?
Under the bridge (downtown) there were 3 shirtless, lightly tattooed young men (one of whom had that new style of sorta-mohawk...) and they were building a raft out of logs.
It was bizarre and kinda hot, frankly.
So I walked over the bridge, wishing for their sakes that it was a warmer day which would have meant I was bare-legged under my dress instead of sporting black tights.
Oh well, their loss. Ha.
Anyway, there were ducks all around and some fish visible under the murky surface of the water.
A dark form swam by--not a duck, but what?
I guessed that it was a beaver, its tail under the water so I couldn't be sure.
"What do beavers eat, mom?"
The first thing that snickered its way to my tongue was, "Wood."
So I explained that they chew through wood...but, still...I shouldn't have such a dirty mind!
I'm a mother!
And then as I scanned the pond for more wildlife, I saw some, alright!
I think they were gettin' down with some hardcore menage a trois action, but mostly I was annoyed that I couldn't figure out a way to make better use of the rhyming possibilites of "duck" and "fuck"....
"There was a duck getting a fuck"???
I mean, that works fine, but it really doesn't pack the punch I was looking for.
Ya know??
Fuckin' ducks.
Ducks 'a fuckin'.
Get your duck fuck on, bitch!
Those fuckin' ducks were...fucking ducks.
There were ducks. Fucking.
Hit me with your best rhymes.

So all in all the wedding was quite a success.
I mean, who knows what'll happen with the marriage, but the pond rocked my perverted little world!

This morning, we entered Wii-Land and haven't looked back.
Wii + 100-inch projection screen = pure.bliss%
I stumbled across an old Tae Bo DVD yesterday when I was unable to go to the gym because the kids were home from school and consequently my boxing skills were in top form.

Hubby is off playing poker with some guys I don't know tonight.
This disappoints me on so many levels.
I love poker, I love people/guys (sometimes's just say Utah doesn't have nearly as many cool women as you would think) and I love spending time with that tall blonde man who gave me his name and fertilized the two eggs my body thought it would be fun to produce at one time (still not sure how THAT all happened, but that's another gripe for another night).
***I interupt this post to swoon for Prince's Purple Rain......swooooooooooon!!!***
I hope hubby has fun.
And wins lots of money.

Speaking of Prince--
did I ever tell you guys the Super Bowl Half-time Show story?
If I did, just point and laugh, cuz I am the youngest person alive with Alzheimer's, but if not, listen up (what? can't you hear me in your head? I hear me in MY head...):
Prince performed at half-time of the Super Bowl this year and my kids happen to have a bit of a thing for Michael Jackson...
yeah, it creeps me out, but as long as they don't really know who he is, I'm fine with it.
I would rather jam out to MJ than the Wiggles or some shit, right??
Ok, then.
So when Prince takes the stage one of the boys says, "Dude. Is that MICHAEL JACKSON?"
The other responds, "No, it's Elvis you idiot."
I seriously love those kids as much as if they were my own flesh and blood.
You know what I mean.

Ok, so not to jinx myself or anything, but I think I'm just going to go ahead and write the great American novel tonight if that's ok with you all.
I mean, obviously I won't finish it tonight, but like, start it and stuff.
I think I could use a little pressure.
Enough of this crap.

If I can possibly borrow some brain cells from someone, I might remember to go to the Unitarian church tomorrow morning.
Don't hold your breath.
It's hard to change habits and my particular rut happens to be lounging about for half the day on Sundays, cooking a big yummy breakfast at some randomly selected time, and screwing the husband at some other randomly selected time, but never is there even a hint of church or anything like unto it on my Sunday morning horizon!
Some week soon I'll remember.
It always pisses me off SO BAD when I forget because I'm just so darned curious to find out what it's like there.

Have a happy rest of your weekend.
And wish me an inspiration-filled night of writing!
