Lucky, Lucky Star

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This morning my husband said, "Did I tell you I bought a Wii?"
I nearly spit out my cereal as I was overcome with glee.
(for my Wii...heh...)
It'll be here in the next week or less and I am SOOOO excited.
It is the perfect invention.
Do you understand how perfect it is?
It may save our nation's couch potato youth from heart attacks and type II diabetes at age 25.
Get those slugs off the couch!
My kids, who are active as hell but love playing video games will now be able to combine their two great loves.
Now if only they could use the Wii on the trampoline, we'd be in heaven.
You can bet your ass you'll be hearing more about this upon its installation and implementation.

I better hop in the shower.
This morning I'm getting an ultra sound on my neck.
I told my husband that if they find a baby in there I am THROUGH swallowing.
No, they're just checking to make sure my thryoid looks right.
I have been having a little trouble swallowing lately (no pun implied) and just feeling like my neck is a little swollen inside but not sore throat-related.
I'm sure it's nothing, but it doesn't hurt to check.

I have my book group tonight and a play to see on each of the next 3 nights.
I am verrrrry excited for all of the above, and will catch you all on the flip side.
Or maybe on the flop side.
Or the flap
