Lucky, Lucky Star

Monday, April 02, 2007

Blog Much?

Nope, not really.

I sort of can't believe my last post was last Tuesday.
And not just because Tuesdays are for drinking beer at noon, sitting in bars facing giant carwashes, and having illicit affairs with cancer-surviving Tour de France champions.........
Or something.
If I could sing and/or compose music I would try to take on the lovely Ms. Crow.
I was born to be a rocker.
I'm really not sure what happened, but somewhere along the line I was fucked out of my singing talents and musical ability in general.
I can read music, but I prefer to memorize songs and play them.
I can make up songs, but I could never tell you what notes were involved or replay the same stuff.
So, therefore, I am the furthest thing from a musician this planet has ever seen.
I'm also pretty far away from a specific musician that this planet sculpted out of sunsets and crashing waves, but that's a different story.

Last night, at 11:34 pm Mountain Standard Time, I finished the final book in the second/final leg of an 8 book series.
I have so many other books I want to read, but I am already scheduling in my second reading of the first 5 books.
The last 3 were way too much about war strategy and far too little about interstellar travel and saving sentient species...
I'm a geek.
I hope that doesn't come as a surprise to you.

I tweaked my back having sex yesterday.
When we started out it was a little sore, basically between my left hip and my spine, but by the time we were finished...
I'm in some pain when I move in certain ways.
But it was worth it.

We finally finished planning our trip to Maine.
I have chosen to take trips to other groovy places like Maryland, Florida, Hawaii, and FRANCE for the past 2 summers, so it has now been 3 years since my last visit home.
I am ready to burst with joy at the prospect of seeing those familiar places again.
I can almost smell the ocean, and taste the fresh seafood.
There are a couple of friends I haven't even talked to since my last visit and I can't wait to see EVERYONE!
There are new babies and new marriages and new houses built.
There are new people living in my grandmother's house...that should be strange.
There are so many people to see, so many bonds to recharge.
I can't wait to see everybody.
We'll be there for the Fourth of July which will be quite a historic event for me.
I haven't been home for the 4th in ten years.
Thanksgiving is what I really miss at home, but this will be more fun for the kids than that would be.
The small town parade in the morning, a fabulous cook-out in the mid-day and Fireworks at night.
Swimming and swimming and lighthouses and seafood and old friends and the extended family I was close to in my childhood--
what could be better?
That's right: not a damn thing.

Happy Monday and happy April to you all!
