Lucky, Lucky Star

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I have good news and bad news

The good news is I found 50 more pages of stuff I wanted to add to my Bored Housewife Chronicles...
The bad news is--


So much for being almost finished with the editing portion.
So much for being almost ready for outside advice.

Hopefully I can still finish it in the next few days.
I'm glad I found it, and I'm really pleased with how it's turning out.

I have another set of good news/bad news that is remarkably similar in format to the first set...
Bad news: didn't get rehired for the newspaper
Good news: didn't get rehired for the newspaper
I feel dazed and--though not in a Led Zep-esque manner--a little bit confused.
I have more to say, but don't feel like this is a private enough place.
My feelings are hurt, but I'll be quick to look on the bright side.
The end.

My husband arrived home yesterday and it was a magical and beautiful feeling.
He hasn't been travelling as much during the past few months, but usually when he does he is free in the evenings--bored, even--and we have great chunks of conversation during that time.
This time he was gone from sunday until friday and we spoke for less than an hour TOTAL.
It felt so good to just lay in bed together and be close.
I could feel the separateness dissipating as his skin warmed mine,
but there was such a deficit of touch to fill!
This morning things seem less seamless,
less smooth.
I feel like he's gone again, even though he's here.
I feel a fight pressing down from the sky, making the air heavy around us.
I don't even know why.

I miss the trees.
I ache for trees--
old trees.
Giants of bark with thick reaches of rustling green.
I need them.
We live in one of these stupid new neighborhoods where none of the trees are more than a few years old.
I love my neighborhood...
but I want some trees that are older than me, older than my parents.
I want trees that have seen so many winters that they drop their leaves with grace and pleasant resignation then settle in for the ice and winds.
I want trees that have scars and knots and offer shade the size of a house.

Enjoy your weekend.
