Lucky, Lucky Star

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mouse Poo, Footprints, and You

I saw your footprints today
and breathed again.
I heard a song that reminded me of you
and then
another, and another.
The radio was taunting me--
or was it laughing while reaching for my hand to draw me into the quiet of its embrace?
Either way.
That one verse...
it was a zinger, alright.
The song made me smile and I spaced out, lost in thoughts or lack thereof.
Just driving.
And then that verse leapt into my chest and pushed out a sob.
That was cool.
Your finger prints are all over the glass of my life today.
And I like it.

I still smell like my MIL's dusty garage full of decades of unsorted memories, incomplete projects, and ungiven gifts.
I am pretty sure there is mouse poop in my hair or in my nose.

Hello, hanta virus, pleased to meet you.
I counted spiders for a while, but then I got distracted by the sunshine.
It was a good day, a productive day.
The best find of the day was an entire box FULL of reams of unused plastic newspaper bags.
...because she knows a guy with a list of 100 uses for plastic bags.
Oh, goody.
I loaded the bed of a truck with 30 or 40 apple and orange boxes.
California oranges, Washington Apples.
But one of the boxes of apples stuck up, above the others, its country of origin smiling back at me like a tall, bald man.
Hello, Enza apples, pleased to meet you.
(Can't think "enza" without thinking "enzyte"...hee...)

Yes, a good day.

We need to go visit The House again.
We're both feeling a little hesitant about the distance it is from everyone else in our lives.
Maybe we could get them all to move out there.
Ok, maybe I could get my helicopter license (and pick up a chopper with my spare change) and ferry everybody out there...?
I'm just not growing MORE realistic with my suggestions, am I?
Maybe they could all just suck it.
Anyway we need to go remind ourselves why we want to live there.
No, make that NEED to live there.
I could drop out of school and focus on being a
It'll happen if I keep wishing for it, right?
I don't like, have to Work for it or anything, do I?
Rock on.
(the new house is only 15 minutes further from school so I don't reeeeallly have to drop out, but it's fun to pretend!)

In other news, we are now at T-minus 4 weeks from our trip to Maine!!!
Got down sat on a bench, I'm excited about that!!!!
Ocean breezes, seafood of all sizes, shapes and flavors, and family........

Also, this is the fortune I got on Sunday after my hike through the gorgeous Uinta mountains with Jasmine (did I even write about that? Glorious, it was!)

It says, "Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life."
I'll drink to that!
