Lucky, Lucky Star

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yesterday I was driving along (merrily) through the sunshine,
just cresting the half-way mark between the awesome Salt Lake valley and the awful Utah Valley,
when a motorcycle zoomed past me in the HOV (carpool) lane.
Moments later, a white van merged unlawfully into that lane and nearly obliterated the guy.
I reacted from a deeper place than I would have if the near-victim had been a car, or even a bicycle.
Memories are sharp sometimes.
Tears leapt to my eyes and I choked a few sobs before realizing he was fine, oblivious even, and understood my own reaction enough to calm down.
When I finished at my appointment I turned right, instead of retracing my steps by turning left.
I mindlessly headed toward the bench.
I turned right at the T, joining University Avenue at the point where it thrusts its way between the walls of Provo Canyon, ostensibly to meet up with a friend who works in that direction.
But just a few seconds of moving down that road and I found myself slipping into the left turn lane,
and climbing the hill up to Canyon Road.
I didn't know if I would be able to find the cemetary, but there were signs.
I sat in the cool grass where the headstone should be and used my thumb to wipe the small amount of dust from the temporary nameplate swallowed up by the grass.
I was so offended by the presence of an almond joy wrapper that I took it with me.
I am not usually so concerned with litter (sadly).
It was nice to sit there and chat a while.
With myself and the trees.
I will go back more often, and lobby with the family members to get that goddamned headstone up.
They can't agree on what to engrave, but fuck that.
There needs to be one.
It was a happy day, truly.

Sorry for the weird-ass posts lately, this included.
kisses to you all!
