Lucky, Lucky Star

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Happy June, fellas!!

My Lucky Star wind chime!

I gained a guitar from the great lawn sale adventure.
My very own acoustic...
for your guitar, I gently weep.

There's a line from my new favorite artist, Amy Winehouse, that keeps running over my tongue like cold milk--
You walk away, the sun goes down.
It just feels so final.
But I don't believe in finality so it shivers me timbers a bit.

I heard a song today that I thought was Bob Dylan, so that counts, right?
Turns out it was Dire Straits, but whatev.
It's a song I knew well as covered by the Indigo Girls, so beautiful in its raw passion from a woman to a woman.
Romeo & Juliet.
I can't listen to it without feeling it, you know?
That is the embodiment of just a breath of a moan lingering on the edge of a husky voice, tense with the agony of unrequited love.
That whole, "I love you like the stars above, I'm gonna love you til I die" line!!
GOD damn, baby!
That shit, oh, fuck, that shit sends me off into the milk-smeared sky.

I still believe in the kind of world where the things we never believed possible can become so.
This world is getting uglier every minute that belief wavers--
the belief that the one thing I've always needed but never knew existed can still be mine.
I die a little every second I have to entertain the possibility that it was all just a figment of my imagination.

I am in a labyrinth and I will find my way out.
Me, David Bowie and that hot brunette.
--Did you just say, "hello"?
--No, I said, "'ello", but close enough.
I have always wanted to be dropped into a giant, hedge maze (hold the Jack Nicholson, than you very much!) and now here I am.
It's darker than I thought it would be, but the hedges are comfortingly evergreen-scented.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I've crossed into Crazy Artist Type territory, but I'm totally ok with that.
Hell, living in my head sounds kind of fun.
I always identified with that Ally McBeal storyline to an uncomfortable degree.

Tomorrow, boating with friends.
A beautiful lake, good company, what else do we need???
Monday, the kids start a week of day camp.
I know, I know, I'm evil for signing them up for the first week of summer vacation, but I thought I would be spending lots of time with wacko mother-in-law.
Turns out I probably won't, but oh well.
After this week's marathon of moving useless shit, I could use the break.
My own house could stand a bit of a scrub down, frankly!
