Lucky, Lucky Star

Friday, December 15, 2006

School's out for winter!!!

Somehow, doesn't have the same ring as the Alice Cooper tune, but the feeling is pretty much the same.
Minus the "I'm not ready for bathing suit season" regrets and the abundance of sun and skin everywhere...
But at least I'm finished with school for a few weeks!!!!!
That is what really matters.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to make decisions well.
I don't mean to say I'm having trouble making the "right" decisions, but I am just so terribly wishy-washy.
Yes, that's a technical term.
I never seem to know what I want, or maybe I'm just afraid of what I want.
I definitely feel a tad on the bi-polar side lately, but I would still say I'm somewhere in the range of normal.
I snort at such terms, anyway--
what IS "normal"???

I was looking up the mini-biography of Sylvia Plath today, in order to jog my memory about the name of her poet husband, when several details of her life struck me.
She was divorced at 31 and then killed herself.
I am 31.
While I'm planning neither of the above, it did make me blink hard.
Maybe I'm hurtling down that path a lot faster than I would like to admit.
And maybe it's a really long path, so even though I've been travelling it, I am still nowhere near that outcome and I have the power to take an off-ramp at any moment--hell, I can make my own damn off-ramps!!
Kinda like Sandra Bullock in Speed.
The first one.
There were no off-ramps of import in the cruise ship one.
Actually, I can't say for sure because I haven't seen that one...
And maybe...I just wish I was cool enough to be so angsty (as angsty as Plath, not Bullock--she's fairly stable for a celebrity).
I am no Sylvia Plath, but I want to be.
Just....minus the big Ds.
er...not my boobs...
Divorce and Death are the big Ds.
Suddenly I'm hungry for Eskimo burgers.

I am going to go dye
my hair.
Well...only those of you who can't spell, or were having this read to you out loud.
I love the thought of my posts being read aloud for entertainment...
like in the old days when people sat around staring at each other all day...very boring.
Sorry, I guess the fact that I considered watching The Little Mermaid earlier today was enough to produce some semblence of a quote from it...
The point is, I want you to want me.

The other night I finally got to fly.
I have always known it was possible, and I finally got to do it!
My wings were different than I'd expected:
made of skin and muscle, not feathers or whatever the hell butterflies' wings are made of.
They were so powerful.
And I flew all the way around the world.
I flew up so high, into the darkness with the stars.
It was cold there.
And then I landed and my face was glowing,
and my friend knew where I had gone.
I was happy to be there but I didn't know what to see.
I'll need to research before I try flying again.
And no, there were no drugs involved.

Have happy weekends, all!
And be glad you're not crazy...
cuz sometimes the good kind of crazy goes bad.
I'm what happens when good crazy goes bad!!
Which reminds me...
I'm totally starting a t-shirt business.
I have so many funny ones, you have NO IDEA.

